Wednesday, October 31, 2007


What a fun and busy last few days. Another fun Halloween party at Lilah's house was then followed by the boys decorating their own pumpkins. On the 31st, mama and Ben were the pumpkins and Matt and his papa were cowboys... all together we went trick or treating with our friends Audeane, Curtis, Zack and Sam. The night ended with alot of junkfood... Ben and Matt were pretty happy.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Lots has been happening as we prepare for Halloween. The first party with our Cowboy Matt and his lasso and his pumpkin brother named Ben. We've been playing in all the leaves that blow in from our neighbours accross the street.. it is so much fun to throw leaves at mama!!! The boys also help their mama out with cleaning the floors and baking cookies... well Matt likes to lick the bowl clean and Ben steals the oven mits.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

october 23,2007

So this is mama at 20 weeks, only one little boy who is very active. We were in Halifax for our ultrasound and on the drive sown we were enjoying the leaves. What a beautiful fall!!! Ben is wearing his M&M shirt. The boys are well and we are all pretty happy. Happy Halloween, pics of costumes still to come!!! Have a good day!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

October 9, 2007

Just got back from our adventure in Toronto. Flew there and picked up our new minivan (that we bought over EBAY ) and drove the 18 hours back to PEI last night. Poor Steve had to work today at 8am while the boys and I slept in til 10am. We had a great feast at Mark aNd Nikis and the kids loved visiting with Micheal and Gillian all weekend. I am getting bigger and bigger, plan to put a picture of that up one day soon, take care, MacNeill family.