Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Goodbye Calgary!!!

We are going to miss the Reisch side of the family until our next visit!!! Thank you everyone for all the fun and we can't wait to see you all again!! Helga and Sam

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hello Calgary!!

Samuel got to meet his Oma and Opa as well as his Tantes and cousins today!! Oma and Poopa got some pretty big smiles from Sam, as did the rest of the family!! Life is good when Oma and Poopa get to bath, feed and play with their youngest grandson from PEI!!! (mama had a fun day too, thank you everyone!!!) Hello to gramma and all the other macneill boys!!! Miss you all!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Day in the Life....

One day in the lives of the MacNeills. Matt the pirate turns into a work horse to push Tom around with Ben on the horse!!! And Sam just laughs!!! (Thanks Lilah for the great picture of him!! (While supper is being made etc.) Since Jackie was over, she kindly took a picture of us... needless to say, a few of us could use a bath!! The MacNeills

Sunday, March 21, 2010

This past week

Thomas has discovered a new way to eat on his chair... this method has since been disallowed!!! Still wearing the fireman hat..it has been about 2-3 weeks at least. He even tries to sleep with it!! Still loves to wear a pair of shoes on his feet... be it crocs or boots... something is always on. Ben has been tired...can you spot the sleepy head in all teh teddy bears? He also can make Samuel smile with his funny faces! Matt has lost his second tooth and still likes to hold his baby brother. As you can see, all the boys adore their papa!! Thomas has been a bit sick but is now starting to feel better. Thank you for the cool soccer Tshirts from the Herzog family and all the many well wishes we still get for Samuel. I still can't believe that even a 4th son can get so many presents and cards!! The macNeills

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Finally we caught a smile on camera!! He's been smiling for a couple weeks but never for the camera and only in the last 2 days does he give these smiles more freely!! Matt and Thomas got great smiles this morning!! Also here is Matt dressed for western day and mama and thomas were playing with the camera ! The MacNeills

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

First loose tooth!!!

Papa took Matt and Ben to see Franklin at the confederation centre this evening and when they got back, they were so excited... especially because Matt lost his first tooth!!! Popped out just like that and this words were "there sure is an awful big space between my teeth, I wonder if I still have my tooth". He has a second loose one ready to go as well... Ben was pretty full of smiles tonight too!! (And Tom got to watch his favorite "Lala" movie...playmobile pirates movie where he dances with the songs etc!!! Everyone has a good day!!! The MacNeills

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Tom's B day party and other fun

Today Thomas had his birthday party with his "tractor cake" and his friends. Matt and Ben helped out (especially eating cake and opening presents) and Sam slept through most of it. Jasper stayed out on the deck in sun and snow. Also Sam is being held by Jacquie, Matt still likes to feed him and Tom likes to feed the goldfish. Movie nights involve the playmobile pirate movie in "french" for the last 3 weeks.. all 3 sit quite still for that one!!! All teh best, The MacNeills PS Yes Tom wears the fire hat to bed, the gold "star" medal and the watch everywhere and all the time!!! The other playgroup with the older kids was a different day.