Friday, February 29, 2008

february 29, 2008, at home

There are more pictures I wanted to add but the blog site seems to have stopped accepting them for the time being so I will add them later. HEre are pictures from yesterday once we were home and a couple from this morning. My milk is in and Thomas has already started to gain back the wt he lost... he is feeding well and we had an ok night last night. Steve and I are hoping to go out for supper (with Thomas) tonight, if we can find a sitter. We need to celebrate our healthy son!!! Matt and Ben are still very excited and both came down to welcome Thomas again this morning. Last night we had alot of their cousins over and both aunt Heather and Pam (who were watching the boys for us while we were in hospital...thank you again!!) Alex, Allison, Kyle, and Darcy came to welcome their new cousin. We also went to our neighbour's house (Denis and Juanita's) as they helped us out watching the boys in the middle of the night when I so quickly had to go in!!! Thank you to everyone and to all the emails, phone calls and well wishes. We are so glad to be home and healthy. I will add more pics soon, the MacNeills

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thomas Rogan Stanford MacNeill

More pictures to come when we have a chance. Just got home from the hospital. Everyone is well, take care, the MacNeills.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

he's here!!!

He's finally come and after a very quick 2 hour labour, we have a beautiful baby boy who is 8 lbs and 7 1/2 ounces... huge!!!! We are hoping to think of a name for him soon . Here are some pictures. He is sucking well, pooping well and Matt and Ben seem to think he is pretty cool. We will update everyone once we come up with a name, the MacNeills

Sunday, February 24, 2008

festival time

Would have posted more pics of matt going down the ice slides and the castles and carvings but for some reason the blog site is not working well today. We had a fun day in Charlottetown which included watching Toopy and Binoo (kids show that Ben loves) and then there was a show by spiderman, hulk and storm... matt is rather into superheros of late so he loved it. We then went to the lego town and then to the petting zoo/pony rides and the carnival rides. Even Ben went for a train ride. The weather was perfect and after about 5 and a half hours, we were all beat and headed back to Kensington. Babe is still hanging in there. Take care, the MacNeills

Friday, February 22, 2008

STILL waiting!!!

Still waiting for our third little boy to arrive. Boys seem to go on their own schedule. We had some friends over for supper one night around valentine's day and today was a big LEGO day with Matt and Ben. Matt even filled his house with furniture and put water in the bathtub and a big bed so that if the lego man wanted someone to sleep over, he could. We will keep everyone posted on number 3... take care, The MacNeills

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

ice storm 2008

As everyone probably knows, PEI had a pretty nasty ice storm last week. We only lost power for 24 hours... better than a lot of PEI. The kids handled it pretty well though Ben thought he was being punished when I could not put on his music or turn on his lights. This is a picture from our side window and the other shows our street. Tons of branches fell and there were several lines on the ground. I added a quick picture of me 35 weeks pregnant. Our friend Guy in ontario took a bunch of great shots of me and my belly, thanks again. All is well here, the count down is now on... we'll keep everyone posted. The macNeills