Friday, February 29, 2008

february 29, 2008, at home

There are more pictures I wanted to add but the blog site seems to have stopped accepting them for the time being so I will add them later. HEre are pictures from yesterday once we were home and a couple from this morning. My milk is in and Thomas has already started to gain back the wt he lost... he is feeding well and we had an ok night last night. Steve and I are hoping to go out for supper (with Thomas) tonight, if we can find a sitter. We need to celebrate our healthy son!!! Matt and Ben are still very excited and both came down to welcome Thomas again this morning. Last night we had alot of their cousins over and both aunt Heather and Pam (who were watching the boys for us while we were in hospital...thank you again!!) Alex, Allison, Kyle, and Darcy came to welcome their new cousin. We also went to our neighbour's house (Denis and Juanita's) as they helped us out watching the boys in the middle of the night when I so quickly had to go in!!! Thank you to everyone and to all the emails, phone calls and well wishes. We are so glad to be home and healthy. I will add more pics soon, the MacNeills


Rachael said...

Welcome to the world Thomas!! Ollie loves the choice of names! Thomas is number one with him (only Thomas the tank engine enthusiasts will get that one!!) Glad to see big brothers are welcoming the latest member of the family. Congratulations once again. Enjoy!!
The Hawley-Halligans

Rachael said...

Welcome to the world Thomas!! Ollie loves the choice of names! Thomas is number one with him (only Thomas the tank engine enthusiasts will get that one!!) Glad to see big brothers are welcoming the latest member of the family. Congratulations once again. Enjoy!!
The Hawley-Halligans