Wednesday, June 25, 2008

June finally looking like summer

We have had such a fun last 2 weeks with Thomas finally gaining weight and liking the jolly jumper and getting to the beach a few times. We bought a tent/shelter that we tried out at Cabot beach (by our house) and that was great to have some shade. Ben and Matt love the zipper etc etc. The mini excavator was a huge hit for Matt of course. Our friends Claire and Hillary were here visiting so Matt gave Hillary a push on the swing. Matt's super friend Aiden (Mr Incredible) also came by one day to play with our super hero (or space man depending on the time of day). Lots of playgrounds with spinning wheels and slides made for a fun lunch at the dairy bar named Johneys here in Kensington. Matt is sitting high at the end of his meal. Hope everyone is out enjoying the sun. Til next update, the MacNeills

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