Monday, February 2, 2009

Papa is 40!!

First of all, in case you did not know, steve had his 40th birthday today!!! He got alot of wonderful attention, from balloons to presents and lots of signs posted in the streets and pictures at work that spanned his 40 years... 3 posters worth!! Gramma came down to celebrate with us and Heather and Pam worked very hard to make it a special day for steve!!! Today is also the first day that Thomas decided to pull himself up to a stand !!! Yesterday the beavers (ben came too) had a really fun day sledding and playing outside!! Finally the weather is warm enough to play outside!! We also had a great sledding day on satuday and skating day (at our friends who made their own skating rink in their back yard... pretty cool!!) Thanks for all the fun times, the MacNeills


heidi said...

Steve, you don't look a day over 20. Can't wait to hear about your favorite part of your birthday. Hope you enjoyed it. H

Familie Herzog said...

Hi, Steve!
Congratulations from Weserbergland too! We estimated you not over 30;-)
You are looking very pretty with the biggest cake ever seen.