Saturday, October 24, 2009

Halloween is almost here

This was a fun test of some of the costumes that Matt (the ninja) and Ben (the tiger) wanted to wear this year. Tom was a bat... but that did not last too long. We got to walk/run in the Kensington 5 km fundraiser... papa walked with the 2 younger and Matt actually ran the 5 km with his mama. Everyone was dressed up at the run, it was fabulous!! We then got to visit with our friends Kohl, Kale and Aiden (and all their families) for a Halloween potluck. The pumpkin hunt was fun and we got lots of treats, thank you everyone! Best part was that papa was there all day to play with us!!! (By the way, ben was the photographer and took a pic of me holding Tom... ) Happy Halloween week from the MacNeills

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