With the sun making its way out, the boys have enjoyed the "rocket ships" outside on the deck. (These also serve to keep Sam out of the playground and on the deck!)
As if we did not have enough fun over easter, we got to spend the afternoon by the campfire at the Pendleton's house! We played, and ate and played some more. It was such a beautiful day, around 14 degrees!! Can't wait for the real sun!! Potlucks are so good, thank you again. The MacNeills.
What a wonderful afternoon and evening. Nannie came by with Gramma and Dale and most of the cousins !! Even she had to smile when the egg she was hiding caught lost in her shirt as Matt watched patiently awaiting his egg!! Poor Auntie Heather missed out on such a yummy meal and the easter egg fun. Lots of eggs were hidden and gramma then had another egg hunt that involved hugs and lots of creative prizes for all of the kids, young and old!! How smart was that!!
Sam ate a ton of chocolate today, maybe that is why he started to climb up chairs by the end of the evening! The supper was great and it was amazing that my boys ate any at all after so many treats!!
Gramma and Dale got caught in a photo taken by Ben! (Poor Ben has been sick today and with tylenol, advil and puffers, he did brave to outdoors for the egg hunt. Too bad he managed to throw up everything he ate before bed..on mama I might add, yuck.) Anyway, the boys are now in bed, the house is quiet and mama and papa can now settle down for a quiet moment. Happy Easter Everyone and thanks for the fun memories today! The macNeills.
Easter morning and Sam was the first awake and found his easter basket in his high chair. He then got to explore through his basket in peace. He loves the Kinder eggies (small ones) and really any type of chocolate!! He licks the foil then passes it to me to open! Smart kid. He then got cereal, easter bread (which was pretty good too!!), banana and an egg! Thomas was the next to wake up and he found his basket and was well into eating when the two older came down!! Ben and Matt quickly caught up and soon there was chocolate and eggs and easter bread everywhere! Matthew asked his mama if she was the easter bunny. I replied "would I ever buy you such big bunnies??" He said, "I guess not!!" They loved the balloons and I make them sit for a quick picture before we headed off to church!! We are now waiting for the family to arrive as we are going to have a yummy supper all together!! (Papa will thankfully be home for supper but poor Auntie Heather has to miss out because of work!!) Happy Easter everyone!! The MacNeills.
Thomas got his haircut!! Handsome!! We were invited to an outdoor egg hunt but we ended up being 5 minutes late (thanks to the car sick 1 year old ). The kids still got alot of eggs but mostly got to play at a new playground in Alberton for a few hours and visit with Brianna, Bailey, Aubrey and Avery. Thomas is showing us his bunny ears and how to act like a bunny! Sam loves the swings and he loves being outside. Today we decorated easter eggs. The boys are really good at it.
Papa also fired up his new barBQ (since our last year's barBQ was damaged beyond repair when it fell off of the truck!! ) Finally a nice day for a barBQ, and easter tomorrow. We are all pretty excited!
Happy Easter to everyone in advance!! The MacNeills.
So the boys have had fun as the snow is melting. The playground is still well used and even more fun when papa is out playing too!!! Sam loves to be outside on the deck (don't worry, we block off the bridge to the play area when he is out!!) Thomas still likes to make funny faces when I ask for a smile.
We got to see the Harlem GLobetrotters in Summerside today!! It was so much fun and what a funny show!! Matt and Ben will tell their favorite part when the player from the other team "lost" his uniform and he had to run around in his underwear!!! The jokes, the talent and the crowd make this experience one that will not soon be forgotten. I forgot my camera so these pictures were done on my phone without flash... so the quality is not so great. Callie Mae came along too!! We met a ton of friends there as well!! It was fabulous!!! The MacNeills