Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Dinner with the Family.

What a wonderful afternoon and evening. Nannie came by with Gramma and Dale and most of the cousins !! Even she had to smile when the egg she was hiding caught lost in her shirt as Matt watched patiently awaiting his egg!! Poor Auntie Heather missed out on such a yummy meal and the easter egg fun. Lots of eggs were hidden and gramma then had another egg hunt that involved hugs and lots of creative prizes for all of the kids, young and old!! How smart was that!!
Sam ate a ton of chocolate today, maybe that is why he started to climb up chairs by the end of the evening! The supper was great and it was amazing that my boys ate any at all after so many treats!!
Gramma and Dale got caught in a photo taken by Ben! (Poor Ben has been sick today and with tylenol, advil and puffers, he did brave to outdoors for the egg hunt. Too bad he managed to throw up everything he ate before bed..on mama I might add, yuck.) Anyway, the boys are now in bed, the house is quiet and mama and papa can now settle down for a quiet moment. Happy Easter Everyone and thanks for the fun memories today! The macNeills.

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