Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wedding in Ottawa

Our good friend Kuy got married to a wonderful man named Steve this weekend. We would show you pictures of the kids but we can't.... yes, Steve and I went away , together, for the long weekend WITHOUT any kids!!! First time ever. On the one hand, they would have looked so handsome at the wedding but on the other, it was a really relaxing and fun weekend. We shopped (yes, for us that is unusual), we ate a lot , slept in (again, unusual) and each read a book... for fun!!! So many thank yous go out to Gramma and Dale and auntie Heather and Pam and the rest of the family who helped out up at the cottage!!! The boys had a great weekend as well. Thank you. PS Kuy was absolutely stunning in her wedding dress!!! Thanks to them for being so thoughtful towards us throughout our stay!! The MacNeills

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ben's Birthday

We started our day with presents. Ben was so excited!! He was up before 7 am and this is rare in the summer time. He thanks everyone for the cool presents and books. As the sun was shinning, we did go to Shinning Waters as per Ben's wish!! Papa is between nights but managed to come too!!! Jacquie came along as well. Ben went down his first big water slide with mama on the tube. You can see how proud he was standing in line with mama!! Tom liked the little water slides and Matt was crazy about all of them. The morning was fun with all the sights and boat rides. Sam did not go on a boat but he hung out with the life jackets. He loves to clip them all together!! He would have stayed for hours but papa and Sam had to go for a sleep while we went to the water. Ben ended the day with his favorite supper of "Real " Kraft Dinner (not mama's version) and chicken nuggets. He blew out his candles on the mini cheese cakes that he loves. He says he had a pretty awesome birthday and thank you everyone for the phone calls and gifts!! The MacNeills.

The Week at Home

As you can see, Matt and Ben make their own fun, even on rainy days at home. You can see the chaos with papa and the boys...just a look into our lives at the "before dinner" hour!! Kind of funny really.

We started our week with a potluck on Monday at the Pendletons. As always, it is fun to see our friends, thank goodness Katherine and Eva show up to balance out the testosterone a bit!!

On Tuesday, Sam and I met up with Cheryl during our errands in Summerside. It was fun to see her .

On Wednesday, we helped Pam celebrate her Birthday by visiting her at work with punching balloons and some cheesecake!! Even got a picture!! The afternoon was spent at the Kids Day as part of Harvest Festival in Kensington. There were bouncy gyms, face painting...see my 3 green monsters!! On our way home, we saw the Bobbles!!! Matt and Ben both got to have a go inside the air filled bubbles!! How cool is that!! Tomorrow is Ben's 6th!! The MacNeills.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thunder Cove

These first two pictures of Sam were taken in the last week and I forgot to include them. So here they are!! Cute little man!!

On such a nice day, I had to meet up with Lilah, Zach and Sam for some time on the beach. As the morning started out a bit cool, we got to enjoy a relatively empty beach. All the boys got soaked and even Sam (little Sam not the big one!!) let the waves roll over his legs today. We also got to eat more german chocolate... life is good.

The MacNeills