Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Week at Home

As you can see, Matt and Ben make their own fun, even on rainy days at home. You can see the chaos with papa and the boys...just a look into our lives at the "before dinner" hour!! Kind of funny really.

We started our week with a potluck on Monday at the Pendletons. As always, it is fun to see our friends, thank goodness Katherine and Eva show up to balance out the testosterone a bit!!

On Tuesday, Sam and I met up with Cheryl during our errands in Summerside. It was fun to see her .

On Wednesday, we helped Pam celebrate her Birthday by visiting her at work with punching balloons and some cheesecake!! Even got a picture!! The afternoon was spent at the Kids Day as part of Harvest Festival in Kensington. There were bouncy gyms, face painting...see my 3 green monsters!! On our way home, we saw the Bobbles!!! Matt and Ben both got to have a go inside the air filled bubbles!! How cool is that!! Tomorrow is Ben's 6th!! The MacNeills.

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